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Edit Project
Please submit a copy of this report to your Building Department with your compliance forms
One or more of the documents below triggered HERS verification

Compliance Process Summary

Below is a guide for following the compliance and permit process. Please check with your local jurisdiction for other requirements.
In general, these are the steps to Title 24, Part 6 compliance for a project:
  • Design Phase: Parties associated with this phase must ensure that the building complies with the Building Energy Efficiency Standards and that the significant features required for compliance are documented on the plans and/or specifications.

  • Permit Application: When the design is complete, the construction documents are prepared, and when other approvals (planning department, water, etc.) are secured, the owner or contractor makes an application for a building permit.

  • Plan Check: Local enforcement agencies check plans to ensure that the building design conforms to Building Standards. This includes health and safety requirements, such as fire and structural, and also the building energy efficiency requirements.

  • Building Permit: After the plans examiner has approved the plans and specifications for the project, a building permit may be issued by the enforcement agency at the request of the builder.

  • Coordination with a third party inspector (such as a HERS Rater/ ATT): Some building features require coordination with a third party inspector for specific field verification and diagnostic testing during the project. Early coordination and communication is necessary to properly schedule these inspections.

  • Construction Phase: Upon receiving a building permit from the local enforcement agency, the contractor begins construction.

  • Enforcement Agency Field Inspection: Local building departments, or their representatives, inspect all new buildings to ensure compliance with Building Standards

  • Field Verification and/or Diagnostic Testing: Some building features require field verification and/or diagnostic testing by a third party inspector (such as a HERS Rater or Acceptance Testing Technician) as a condition for compliance with the Standards.

  • Issuance of Final Permit: The permit is finalized and closed out by the enforcement agency. This approval is provided by the local enforcement agency.

  • Post Construction: Upon project completion, the enforcement agency shall require the builder to leave inside the building all completed, signed and dated compliance documentation which includes at a minimum the CF-1R and all applicable CF-2R forms for residential projects and the applicable NRCC, NRCI and NRCA forms for nonresidential projects.

This summary is based on the outline provided in Chapter 2, Compliance and Enforcement, of both the 2016 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential and Nonresidential Compliance Manuals. For more detailed information, please reference the 2016 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential and Nonresidential Manuals.

Project Phases - Residential

Phase 1: Permit Application
Permit Application and Plan Review Process: All applicable Certificates of Compliance must be signed and submitted with construction documents. If more than one person has responsibility for building design, each person must sign the Certificate of Compliance document(s) applicable to that portion of the design for which the person is responsible. Alternatively, the person with chief responsibility for design may prepare and sign the Certificate of Compliance document(s) for the entire design. The signatures must be electronic signatures on electronic documents. For more detail about this project phase, visit or see the Ace Resources Fact Sheet on permitting here:

Phase 1 HERS Requirements
The project details you provided indicate that coordination with a HERS Rater will be necessary during the construction and inspection process. Early coordination with a HERS Rater will ensure that inspections are properly scheduled and may help avoid delays in the inspection process. Forms that must be coordinated with a HERS Rater are denoted in the Forms Summary with this symbol.

Because the Standards require registration of the energy compliance documentation for the project, all CF-1R documents that require HERS verification must be registered CF-1R copies from a HERS provider data registry. Note that the construction documents must be registered prior to submittal to enforcement agency.

To learn more and connect with a HERS Rater, visit the CEC HERS Provider Registry at

Phase 2: Installation & Inspection
Construction Inspection and Installation Certificate Verification: All properly completed CF-2R forms are required to be submitted or posted at the building site prior to proceeding with HERS testing and post-construction verification.

Phase 2 HERS Requirements
Construction Phase Documentation: Because the Standards require registration of the energy compliance documentation for the project, all CF-2R documents must be signed, registered CF-2R copies from a HERS provider data registry.

Phase 3: Acceptance & Verification
HERs testing and Verification: A copy of the Certificate(s) of Acceptance must be posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the construction/installation, and must be made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections.

Phase 3 HERS Requirements
Because the Standards require registration of the energy compliance documentation for the project, all CF-3R documents must be signed, registered CF-3R copies from a HERS provider data registry.

Your Responses to the 2016 Residential Forms Ace Tool

Basic Info

Project Name (optional) : Kellar
Address (optional) : 10298 Custer Avenue
Zip Code : 92356
Climate Zone : zone-14

Additional Information

AI-1 Which Energy Code Compliance Option will you use? : Prescriptive
Prescriptive AI-2 Project Type : New Construction
Prescriptive AI-11 Is the project using exterior shading to meet standard requirements for SHGC?: : No

Project Components

Prescriptive PCH-30 Are you changing or repairing any HVAC equipment? (excluding ductwork) : No
Prescriptive PCH-31 Are you replacing or installing 40' or more of air ducts (supply and/or return)? : No
Prescriptive PCH-39 Are you installing an entirely new HVAC system? : Yes
Prescriptive PCH-12 What type of system are you installing?: (click all that apply)
- Whole House Fan
- Evaporative Cooler
- Ice Storage AC unit
- Central Fan Ventilation Cooling System :
  • none
Prescriptive PCH-40 Are you installing a cooling system that uses refrigerant? : Yes
Prescriptive PCH-20 Which refrigerant charge method are you using for compliance? : Pre-set by Manufacturer
Prescriptive PCH-29 Select which compliance method you will use for ductwork: :
  • New Construction
Prescriptive PCH-41V Which of the following apply to your HVAC unit or component?: (click all that apply) :
  • Newly Installed Non-zoned System or Zoned Multi-speed Compressor
Prescriptive PCH Will this project add, alter or replace a hydronic heating system? (tank, instantaneuos, heat pump, etc.) : No
Prescriptive PCL-1NC Are you installing lighting systems, controls and equipment in any of the following project types? : - Single-Family
- Highrise Multi-family
- Hotel/Motel
- Dormitory
- Senior Living Facilities
- Fire Stations with dwelling units
Prescriptive PCP-1NC Will this project install a new pool or spa heating system? : No
Prescriptive PCD-2NC Will this project install a solar water heating system? : No
Prescriptive PCD-4NC Will this project include a hot water distribution system? : No
Prescriptive PCS-1 Will this project include a solar zone to meet the SRA requirements? : No
Prescriptive PCS-2 Will this project include a PV system for compliance credit? : No
Prescriptive PCS-3 Will this project include a solar hot water system? : No

Download Your Documents

You can download all the required documents as a single zip here:
Download All 17 Documents

Or you can download the files individually:













This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), Southern California Edison Company (SCE), and Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas®) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

© 2024 PG&E, SDG&E, SoCalGas and SCE. All rights reserved, except that this content may be used, copied, and distributed without modification. Neither PG&E, SoCalGas, SDG&E, nor SCE — nor any of their employees makes any warranty, express of implied; or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any data, information, method, product, policy or process disclosed in this document; or represents that its use will not infringe any privately-owned rights including, but not limited to patents, trademarks or copyrights.